Monday, November 19, 2012

Vintage Beauty Tips

 Do you ever have those days
when you're a bit...

...And you'd rather be like...

Yesterday was one of those days for me.  So I consulted some of the wonderful beauty hints and tips I've collected over the years to see if there was anything there that might just pep a gal up a bit!
Perhaps try some of these, from the early 1900's!

                                                               HONEY SOAP

Just the things for sore, chafed and cracked hands in winter.  Shred one pound (approx 500g) of pure soap into an old saucepan with just enough water to prevent burning, add a quarter of a pound of honey (approx 250g), one ounce of glycerine (approx 30g), 2 tablespoons of fine oatmeal and a few drops of perfume.  Stir until soap is dissolved, and boil for 3 minutes.  Pour into wet moulds (old tobacco tins are just the thing!). Store until hard.

The white of an egg has many uses. Rub blistered heels with it and feel it remove the soreness.  Prevent further trouble by rubbing the heels nightly with methylated spirits; this tends to harden the skin against blistering.


For tender feet, mix equal parts of methylated spirits and olive oil and rub well into the feet at least twice a week at bedtime.  Helps the nails as well.


One teaspoon of sugar mixed with a small quantity of olive oil and rubbed well into the hands will remove stains and soften nicely.


To promote the growth of hair take equal quantities of olive3 oil and spirit of rosemary, and a few drops of oil of nutmeg.  Mix the ingredients together.  Rub at the roots of the hair every night with a little of this liniment and the growth will very soon noticeably increase.  When illness is the cause of the loss of hair, brandy should be applied three times a week and cold cream on alternate nights.


If you suffer from dandruff, gather a good handful of leaves from the lemon tree, cover with water and boil the mixture for half an hour.  Strain and bottle.  When it is cool, run the liquid into the scalp.  Even the most stubborn dandruff will respond to this.  It's a natural remedy.


Salt will clean teeth just as effectively as a high-priced toothpaste, and also prevents gumboils and heals ulcers of the mouth.


A cupful of vinegar added to a bath after strenuous exercise will be found to be very refreshing; it takes away all stiffness.


Every housewife knows the value of soaking the feet in Epsom salts.  It is especially good for smoothing fingertips roughened by housework, and also improves the texture of the skin.


If hair has begun to turn grey, it my be darkened to its original colour by the use of sage leaves.  Simmer a handful of sage leaves in a saucepan with about 2 cups of water for approx 20 minutes. Strain the mixture. When cold, brush it daily into the hair until the greyness disappears.


To make a refreshing bath tonic-gather a handful of pine needles and boil in a pint of water for 20 minutes.  Strain the liquid and add it to the bath.


A good face pack for early wrinkles is egg white.  After cooking with eggs, smooth the residue left in the shells all over face and throat.  Quickly you will begin to feel the skin begin to tighten.  Give yourself a little rest while the pack does its work.  Later, rinse off with warm water and apply a little vanishing cream.

Let me know what you think of these!  I'd love to read your comments on what else you'd like to see on my blog!

Til next time,


  1. This is so interesting! Thanks for posting :)
    I've also heard of using vingear as a rinse to make the hair shine.

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